Entrepreneurship in Nepal

Entrepreneurs from any part of the world including Nepal should start off with a lot of new ideas, plans, and enthusiasm. However, many harsh realities of market get struck to people at times diminishing the real-life potential for emerging businesses.
In countries like Nepal, the growth of middle-class population gradually uptakes, the many untapped opportunities waiting for to be seized are left from becoming favorable due to its respective market scenario. For an example, the biggest concern until few years back in Nepal, Nepal suffered from huge electricity cutoffs that became normal and as a part of our life. In fact the digital market industry is moving upwards but the problem of making proper legislation and policies continues to impact both seller and buyer every day. Also, the everyday happening of unethical business syndicates, politics inside business, high governmental interest policies, and weak workplace ethics raises differences between the theoretical aspects of entrepreneurship to that of which is experienced and exercised every day.
Countries have started exercising technological revolution and what is known to be as modern in the society; we still lack the understanding of applying sophisticated cultures while it comes to doing business. Foremost, we lack in planning and vision; we have little knowledge and expertise on where to start or how to execute a business for the long run. Other developing countries like Nigeria and Taiwan have established as a developed country by flourishing things with use of advanced technologies, tools and equipments leaving the creative to generate new ideas, Nepal still struggles with providing itself a positive and prolific market. Thus, it reflects on our contracting economy.
To a positive side, government today is stable and isn’t as gloomy as it was hundred years ago. Times are changing. Business schools are encouraging students to become more skillful and open about every topic comprehensive to understanding the 21st century business scenario. Adding up, we have witnessed groundbreaking success that shows innovation and positive experiential business ideas. Entrepreneurs, both experienced and aspiring, have acknowledged the importance of learning, experimenting, and taking a leap of faith. We look forward to businesses getting noticeable expansions they deserve in Nepal.
Entrepreneurs as they go onto this journey can both experience and become an inspiration that have acknowledged the importance of learning, experimenting, and seen their faith. We look forward to businesses getting noticeable at expansions they deserve in Nepal.